Stop South Bay Village
Formerly Sayville Greybarn

Stop Island Hills Golf
Course Development Plan

Please join us in our fight against Rechler’s Equity Partners plan to develop the old Island Hills golf course into “South Bay Village.” A 890 Unit  complex with a sewage treatment plant totaling 50 acres of paved surfaces up to three stories tall. 

– The Greater Islip Association Inc.

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Upcoming Events

Stop Island Hills Protest at Rechler Hosted Event

Rechler Equity Partners the owners of Island Hills Golf Course is sponsoring and hosting the Save the Great South Bay Oyster Ball. Many public officials will be in attendance and we need to show them we will not be bought out. We are protesting in front of the Timber Point property from 6pm-7pm, a quick hour and so close to us. Rechler’s new plan will use over a quarter million gallons of water a day, add 50 acres of impervious surfaces, and tons of nitrogen to our ground water and the bay. We will not be fooled by the sponsorship, let’s show Rechler and the officials how the community really feels. Note: This is not a protest against efforts to protect and restore our bay or the Save the Great South Bay Organization we support their work! See less

September Islip Town Board Meeting and Protest

Islip Town Board Meeting starts at 5:30PM with a protest held before hand from 4:30-5:30. We need our voices to be heard!

The Plan

  • 890 units, 314 for sale units age restricted units of that 143 detached single family homes, 576 apartments of which 173 are age restricted.
  • Rechler states there’s a 35% reduction of density compared to the original plan but fails to state it’s a 908% increase in density from the current zoning.
  • Traffic will increase dramatically despite what they say being 348% to 408% more congested than the current zoning if 98 single family homes were built.
  • The buildings are still not going to be fitting with the surrounding communities with 3 stories and multiple apartments in each.
  • Rechler has submitted an Environmental Assessment Form to the town which is the first step and the change of zone application and EIS form are likely to come soon.
  • Rechler likely changed the name as a rebrand after so much negative publicity with Sayville Greybarn but don’t be fooled this is still a huge housing complex not fitting with the surrounding community
  • The report from the Island Hills Advisory Committee meetings came out, with the summaries being more positive about the project than what the full report states, they invited “leaders” as far away as Nassau who made blanket statements in favor, they also blurred the lines of some people speaking on behalf of an organization and just speaking personally, likely trying to divide us but we are smarter than that.
We are committed to single family homes and green space only until that is the real compromise, we will yell it from the rooftops NO ZONE CHANGE.

Take our Survey

We have created a community survey about Island Hills and ask that you please take it. 

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